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Rural Engineer of the Year

CONGRATULATIONS to the 2023 "Rural Engineer of the Year" Award Recipient

Timothy Hens P.E., Genesee County, NY.

Award Guidelines

The rural engineer will represent a county with a population no greater than 100,000. The urban engineer will represent a county with a population greater than 100,000.

Detailed instructions can be found on the online applications.

Qualifications of Eligible Nominees

Each state will be limited to one (1) nominee for each award. The state's nominee should be submitted by the President of the State organization. If there is no State organization, then the first nomination received from a voting member within the State will be accepted. If a non-engineer is selected for the award, the actual award that year will be titled the Urban or Rural Road Professional of the Year. All nominations must be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Committee.

Nomination for Award

A nominee for the County Engineer/Road Professional Award does not necessarily have to occupy the County Engineer position. For example, Public Works Directors, Staff Engineers and Highway & Road Superintendents or other professional road manager titles may be eligible for the award. In order to assure a representative number of nominations, each Regional Vice President is urged to canvas his or her region for candidates, possibly by contacting the Presidents of State Associations of County Engineers and current year in which they are serving. Members of the Awards Committee are not eligible for the award during the current year they are serving.

The award, presented each year at the NACE Annual Meeting, shall read as follows: "For the application of efficient engineering management principles and standards for the economic design, construction, maintenance and operation of public works facilities as approved and published by the National Association of County Engineers Management Research Project Manuals and Guides."

Point Rating System

The Awards Committee will use the following rating system in its selection process for Urban and Rural Engineer of the Year:

1. Description of the major achievements by the nominee in performance of his or her County Engineering functions and professional positions held, beginning with current employment:
Maximum of 30 points – Items below are suggested talking points
Major Achievements
-  Innovative ideas to improve engineering department
Reduction of deficient bridges
Miles of roadway improved/resurfaced/paved
Staying within budget/assistance with local authorities to increase revenues
Working with State Legislature to amend laws affecting county government
-  Providing educational services such as teaching classes, serving as a mentor to other employees
-  Ability to communicate with local, state and federal officials
-  Professional positions held
-  Work in the private sector
With a college or university/ local boards of education
As a senior member of the engineering staff
As the county engineer/road supervisor

2.  NACE activities, including number of years in NACE, committee service and office held:
(Other professional organizations are to be listed in item 4).
Maximum of 30 points
2 points for each five years in NACE
4 points for each year of NACE committee service
6 points for each year of service in NACE as an officer/Board of Directors

3.  Engineering areas in which licensed professionally:
Maximum of 10 points
8 points for Registered Engineer
2 points for Registered Land Surveyor
4.  Professional organizations, including membership in your state county engineers association, of which the nominee is a member (excluding NACE):
Maximum of 20 points
2 points for each national organization
2 points for each state organization
2 points for each year the person held an office in a local organization
4 points for each year the person held an office in a state or national organization

5.  Awards and honorary appointments received or outstanding contribution to the professional community:
Maximum of 10 points
1 point for each local award or honorary appointment
2 points for each state or national award or honorary appointment

Published articles in professional or trade magazines and formal papers prepared for presentation to professional or trade conference:
Maximum of 5 points
1 point for formal paper presentation to state organization
2 points for formal paper presentation to national organization
2 points for published article

Community service or club awards nominee has received:
Maximum of 5 points
1 point for each club award
1 point for each community service such as being involved with youth sports, scouting, etc.
2 points for each volunteer community service such as being involved in Red Cross
2 points for community service involving engineering activities

Total  - 110

As approved by the NACE Board of Directors on July 12, 1997, NACo Conference, Baltimore, Maryland
As modified by the NACE Board of Directors on July 14, 2007, NACo Conference, Richmond, Virginia
As modified by the NACE Board of Directors on July 11, 2014, NACo Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana

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