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NACE Safety Resource Center

Where Safety is Job 1!

Here you’ll find the tools and resources to help you, the County Road Official.

NACE Grant: Advancing Local Road Safety Practices with State DOTs

NACE is a Safe System Innovation grant recipient, awarded by US DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Safety Council.

NACE will evaluate local road fatality data and strategically identify 5 key states to facilitate a gathering of stakeholders. (The top 5 states represent 33% of all the fatalities.) The goal is to improve collaboration between the state and local agencies, adoption of “new” proven practices that other states have used successfully, and changing the behaviors on how states support locals.

Road to Zero Coalition

NACE, a longtime supporter of a “Zero” fatality vision, is an original partner of the coalition.

Focuses on examining and promoting behavior-change strategies, and developing a strategic plan for self-driving cars and human-vehicle-roadway communication.

Toward Zero Deaths (TZD)

NACE is a founding member of the TZD national strategy.

Provides a platform of consistency for state agencies, private industry, national organizations and others to develop safety plans that prioritize traffic safety culture and promote the national TZD vision.

ATSSA / NACE Local Road Safety Planning & Implementation Guide

Focuses on county and smaller rural community roads, but the solutions are often transferable to urban areas.

FHWA Local & Rural Safety Program

Provides national leadership in identifying, developing, and delivering safety programs and products to agencies, elected officials, governments and other stakeholders to improve safety on local and rural roads.

FHWA Manual for Local Road Safety Plans (LRSPs)

An easy-to-read, step-by-step guide to developing LRSPs with templates, tables and additional resources.

FHWA Every Day Counts (EDC)

A state-based model to identify and rapidly deploy proven but underutilized innovations to enhance roadway safety, reduce congestion, shorten the project delivery process, and improve environmental sustainability.

FHWA Safety Compass Newsletter

Aims to increase highway safety awareness and to provide resources to the highway safety community to help save lives. Includes information on Road Diets. Published 3 times a year.

AASHTO Highway Safety Manual

The recognized source for information on quantifying and evaluating highway safety performance on existing or proposed roadways.

National Center for Rural Road Safety

Enhances safety on rural roadways by supporting local, tribal, and state road owners and their stakeholders.

Roadway Safety Foundation

RSF provides resources for highway engineers, transportation officials and community leaders. 1) Roadway Safety Guide: A Primer for Community Leaders is designed for elected officials with basic information. 2) National Roadway Safety Awards honor agencies in the transportation community that have made verifiable and significant strides toward improving the safety of our nation’s highways. 3) US Roads Assessment Program (usRAP) offers highway engineers, transportation officials, and safety planners tools for evaluating the safety of their road networks and directing improvements to areas where they have the most impact.

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