An individual who has been an Active Member in good standing for a minimum of 15 years or has served NACE as an officer or Director, and has retired from active participation in County Engineering or the equivalent. Any Life Member who returns to work with a county shall be carried as a Voting Member while employed and shall pay Voting Member dues to maintain his membership.
Life Member Benefits
Life membership certificate, NACE annual membership directory, monthly NACE News, and discounted conference fee (30% off NACE member cost).
To Become a Life Member
Submit a letter of request stating your years as a NACE member, qualifications, and personal address to the NACEHeadquarters. The NACE Board of Directors reviews and votes on Life Members during the NACE annual conference (March-April timeframe) and in the fall. Choose the Board meeting closest to your retirement date even if it's before the actual date. Afterward, you'll be notified of your membership status.
NACE Life Members
Lee Amundson
Steve Backowski
Robert J. Bauer, P.E & L.S
Larry Benz
Lloyd L. Berry
Lee E. Billingsley
Duane A. Blanck, P.E.
Ben Bland, P.E.
Ray J. Blessum, P.E.
Jonathon Brand
Steve Brandau
Max H. Bridges, P.E.
Jon Burgstrum, P.E.
John Brunkhorst, P.E.
Eugene Calvert, P.E & L.S
Ronald Chamberlain
Douglas Christian
Randy Cole
Wayne Collins, P.E. & L.S.
John A. Cousins, P.E.
John Deakins, P.E.
Patrick DeChellis, P.E
Phillip Demery, PE
David Dietzel
Ronald Drachenberg
Ted Eggebraaten
Larry W. Emig, P.E.
David Enblom, P.E.
Gerald A. Engstrom Jr., P.E.
Royce J. Fichtner, P. E.
Craig Fink, P.E.
Armand A. Fiorletti, P.E. & L.S.
Douglas W. Fischer, PE
John Grindeland
David Gravenkamp, P.E.
Paul Gruner
Roger M. Gustafson, P. E.
Arthur D Haddad, P.E. & P.S.
David Halbersma, P.E.
Richard H. Hansen, P.E.
Dan R. Harden, P.E.
Frank B. Hempen Jr. P.E.
Henry M. Hirata, P.E.
Ronald C. Hormann, P.E.
Chris Isbell
Samuel L. Jaynes P.E. & L.S.
George Johnson, P.E.
Milton L. Johnson, P.E.
Rick Kjonaas, P.E. & L.S.
Eugene Knapp
Phil Koeberlein
Steve Kubista
Donald J. LaBelle
Richard Lane
Bradley J Larson, P.E.
James Floyd Lawrence
Joseph Litvin
William Lorence, P.E.
Larry R. Mattusch, P.E.
Rodney Meredith
Scott McGolpin, PE
Howard Leo McMillen
Susan Miller, P.E.
John “Jack” Mitchell
William Mobbs
William Moellering, P.E.
Robert Morrison
Rodney Ness
Ernest Lynn Olson, P.E.
Robert Olson
Robert Page
Clarence Perry, P.E. & L.S.
Darrell Pettis, P.E.
James Piekarczyk
David Pope
Dan C. Ratermann, P.E.
Doug Reinhart, PE, PS
Jon Rice, P.E.
Dean Ringle P.E., P.S.
Dan Robley
Larry Roehl, P.E.
Raymond Roggow
Gary Rosewicz, P.E.
Max L. Rothschild, P.E. & L.S.
Gary Rowe, P.E.
Eugene R. Russell
Mehdi M. Sadjadi, P.E.
Jerry W. Schauf
Mark Schleich
Wayne A. Schoonover, P.E.
Gerald R. Shaul, P.E.
Dennis D. Skeate, P.E.
Richard Spraggins
Brian Stacy, P.E.
Bruce Stelzner
J. Thomas Stoner, P.E.
George Sugars, P.E.
Don Theisen, P.E.
Neil Tunison
Joseph Vanderwerff
Timoth Von Neida
Vern E. Wagar, P.E.
Michael Wagner
Danny Waid P.E.
J. Michael Walford, P.E.
Wayne Ward
George Webb
Jerry Weber
Dale D. Wegner, Jr., P.E.
Richard Welton
Richard West, P.E.
Bill Williams
Douglas C. Wilson, P.E.
Robert Witty, P.E.
Dennis Woodward, P.E.