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County Membership Benefits

Who are our members?

NACE represents a diverse group of county road professionals with diverse titles--highway commissioners, publics works directors, road supervisors, highway administrators--but they share the following responsibilities:

  • Decision:  Most of our members are primary decision makers in the county purchasing process. As design engineers, construction managers, maintenance and operations programmers, administrative officers, and public works officials, they're key to the development of specifications and RFPs, as well as the review and selection of bids and proposals.
  • Design:  Most are involved in the design of new construction, repairs, and rehabilitation of county roads, bridges, sewer systems and other public works projects.
  • Construction:  They have prime responsibility in the management or construction of county roads, bridges and other engineered structures. They have a detailed knowledge of construction management, specifications, and equipment.
  • Maintenance:  NACE members are responsible for the long-term management of pavements, dirt and gravel roads, bridge structures, and fleets of trucks and equipment.
  • Solid Waste:  Our members manage solid waste landfills, recycling operations, collection systems, transfer stations, and disposal programs. From vast municipal landfills to state-of-the-art transfer and recycling facilities, counties are taking the lead in many areas.
  • Traffic Safety and Signage:  They oversee and manage vast inventories of signs, traffic signals, and pavement markings, as well as an increasingly complex array of work-zone safety equipment and signage.
  • Other roles: County Engineers also handle snow and and ice removal, emergency street repairs, surveying, county planning, public transit, public buildings, aerial photography, mapping, geographic information systems, vehicle fleet service and fueling, airports, and a variety of other public responsibilities.


NACE members enjoy exclusive online access—register for events at a discounted rate, or search for members by name, city or type of business. The NACE Job Board is only available to member counties. Members also receive special "members-only" access to webinars. NACE Committee pages are also members only (Coming soon!)

Each April, county road and transportation officials from across the country gather for the NACE Annual Conference, featuring a unique opportunity for networking with industry peers, outstanding technical sessions and renowned speakers.

Members receive monthly NACE News as well as regulatory and legislative updates.

Each year, NACE partners with several organizations to promote roadway safety for both rural and urban areas.

For membership purposes, the county is the NACE Member, with a designee (usually the head of the engineering or road department) as the Voting Member. Additional county employees will be added to the member roster and will receive all member benefits except for voting.

2025 Dues (based on population)
Less than 50,000 -   $   485      1 Vote
50,000-149,999 -      $   970      2 Votes
150,000-249,999 -    $ 1,455     3 Votes
250,000 - 499,999 - $ 1,940     4 Votes
500,000 or more -    $ 2,425     5 Votes
If you are interested in a County Membership, you may click on "Join Today" or email with any questions.

County Membership Application

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