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Constitution & Bylaws Committee

The Constitution is the underlying document for NACE and as such does not require frequent changes.

The By-laws, however, allow for flexibility and provide the opportunity to keep the Association current with the times. Policy provides guidance for day to day operations of the Association. This Committee shall serve as a resource for NACE and its members on questions relating to the NACE Constitution and By-laws, Policy and/or parliamentary procedures.

This Committee shall, as requested by the Executive Committee, President, NACE Board of Directors, the membership, or by their own initiative; study problems concerning the NACE Constitution or By-laws; interpret Constitution or By-law questions and provide appropriate responses. The committee shall draft proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws and present them to the Executive Committee and/or the NACE Board of Directors.

This Committee should be comprised of seven (7) to ten (10) members. The membership should include at least one member from each NACE Region, the NACE Secretary/Treasurer, one (1) NFL member, and one member from the Executive Committee as appointed by the President. The Committee shall be appointed under the provisions of Article V of the NACE By-Laws.

This Committee shall hold at least one regularly scheduled meeting per year in conjunction with the NACE Annual Conference. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the chair. These meetings may be by teleconference or other means and coordinated with NACE Staff.

1. Constitution and By-Laws Committee may receive suggested changes to the Constitution, By-laws and/or Policy from the Executive Committee, the President, the NACE Board, Standing or Special Committees or the general membership. This Committee may also develop proposed changes to these documents.

2. This Committee shall review proposed Policy changes to verify that they conform to the Constitution and By-laws. This Committee shall review proposed By-law changes to verify that they conform to the Constitution.

3. This Committee shall present Bylaws changes to the Executive Committee and/or the NACE Board of Directors for their consideration and action.

4. This Committee shall propose amendments to the Constitution as per Article VII of the NACE Constitution.
5. This Committee shall keep current the NACE Constitution and Bylaws.
6. This Committee should review the Constitution and Bylaws periodically and as directed by the
President or the Executive Committee.

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