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Awards Committee

The purpose of the Awards Committee is to solicit award nominations for NACE Awards and score applications in order to select winners of NACE Awards.

The Awards Committee should be comprised of five (5) members including one (1) member from each of the five (5) NACE Regions. The Chair shall be appointed as per Article V of the NACE By-Laws.

The Awards Committee will normally meet via teleconference to review applications for NACE Awards. Teleconferences are coordinated by Awards Chair.

The Awards Committee is responsible for soliciting nominations for NACE Awards. The committee shall review and update criteria for awards as necessary and maintain and update a scoring rubric for awards as required. The committee shall review all applications for awards against developed criteria, score applicants as to determine a winner for each award as necessary and notify the NACE Executive Director and President of their selections.

The Awards Chair will collaborate with NACE staff on communications to solicit submissions based on agreed upon timelines. The committee will notify NACE Staff by the agreed upon time in order to coordinate plaques and awards to be presented at the Annual Conference. The State Director of each award winner should be notified so that an attempt may be made to encourage the prospective award winner to attend the Annual Conference to accept the award. The intent of all awards is that they remain a surprise to the winner and the general membership.

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