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NACE Strategic Plan - Vision, Mission & Strategic Priorities

VISION: A robust, reliable, and safe transportation network for all. 

MISSION: To improve the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of local infrastructure through advocacy, collaboration, and education of road officials.

TAG LINE: Voice of local road officials


  1.  Develop and strengthen relationships with federal agencies, elected officials, and stakeholders to foster information exchange. 
  2.  Influence federal issues important to local transportation networks. 
  3.  Create issue-specific resources and talking points that enable state directors to champion NACE priorities with members and their local, state and federal officials. 
  4.  Create agency-specific best practices and solutions that support funding and process improvements for county road officials and local transportation networks.  


  1.  Create educational offerings outside of traditional engineering technical sessions (technology/AI, logistics, outside of infrastructure speakers outside of NACE). 
  2.  Develop leadership and management education offerings to grow future county road officials and NACE leaders.  
  3.  Develop virtual educational offerings that support NACE members and nonmembers (e.g., webinars, YOUTube, live/prerecorded). 
  4.  Provide federal agency-specific education to support road officials in their work. 
  5.  Explore new opportunities with NACO to assist in educational opportunities. 
  6.  Provide education opportunities that expand corporate member visibility.  
  7.  Assess and enhance education at the NACE Annual Conference  


  1.  Develop strategies to create a diverse and inclusive membership. 
  2.  Enhance corporate membership value proposition to attract more support through membership, exhibits, and sponsorships.  
  3.  Create member benefits specific to future road officials and operations support staff to grow and engage future leaders.  
  4.  Work with state directors to promote NACE membership benefits within their state associations. 
  5.  Develop member recognition opportunities at the individual and regional level. 
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